Major Code: 3770
The Secondary Education master’s degree is designed for professional educators who seek a broader cultural and professional learning experience than is possible on the undergraduate level. The curricular program enhances knowledge of content areas and specific pedagogical techniques and skills which will be required in professional work.
Students have the opportunity to study a specific curricular area; to explore the American educational system; to develop their knowledge of educational research procedures and methods, sources and formats, and critical reviews of research reports; and to prepare and defend a research proposal and its results. Some courses in this program also meet state of Oklahoma requirements for pedagogical and classroom management coursework for emergency and alternatively certified teachers.
Other areas of advanced learning include: The development of adolescence and social forces on adolescence and their implications for the classroom; student learning styles and behavior both individually and in classroom settings; and, professional relationships with students, parents, teachers, administrators, and other pertinent individuals.
Aligned to the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium Core Teaching Standards (InTASC), the program accommodates both comprehensively trained and certified teachers with undergraduate education degrees and others holding bachelor’s degrees and seeking alternative certification. For this latter group, the program offers courses in managing classrooms, designing instruction, meeting student’s needs, and assessing students’ performances