Feb 06, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Graduation Requirements

Formal Application for Graduation

In order to graduate with a master’s degree, a student must submit a formal Graduation Application to the Jackson College of Graduate Studies (JCGS) by the deadline established for the term (fall, spring, or summer) that the student intends to graduate.


Fall Semester Graduation Sept. 15th
Spring Semester Graduation Feb. 15th
Summer Term Graduation Feb. 15th


There is a non-refundable $45 graduation fee that must be paid to the Bursar’s Office in person (NUC 134) or electronically (see below). There is an additional $25 fee for processing late applications. Please note, the University will process late applications as time allows, but students who apply late are NOT guaranteed to have their applications fully processed prior to the end of the semester or summer term.


  • Go to https://www.uco.edu/graduate/current-students/ graduation and click the “Apply For Graduation” button;
  • If you do not have a final plan of study on file with the Graduate College, then attach one to the application;
  • Fill out the form and select “Submit.” The fee will be charged electronically to the UCO student account.

Once the Graduation Application has been submitted, a final degree check will ascertain if all requirements have been met. This process will normally take one to four weeks depending on workload, after which the student will be notified in writing of the results of the degree check. Call the Graduate Program Specialist at 405-974-3417 with any questions.

If a student fails to complete requirements during the semester for which he or she applied for graduation, the student must contact the JCGS to have his or her application rolled forward to a subsequent term. There is an additional fee for such changes (except for change from Spring to Summer of the same calendar year).

Commencement Ceremonies

Recipients of master’s degrees are strongly encouraged to participate in the University’s formal commencement ceremonies, which are held at the end of fall and spring semesters. Students who graduate at the end of the summer term are eligible to participate in the previous spring ceremony. The dates for commencement exercises are announced on campus well in advance so that students may order invitations and invite friends and family.

Several weeks in advance of the ceremony specific information regarding academic regalia (caps & gowns) and the particulars of the exercises (times, place, marching order, etc.) will be provided to students who have applied for graduation.


Students who complete degree requirements will receive diplomas by mail approximately six weeks following the last day of the semester in which they graduated.

Requirements for All Master’s Degrees

Student Responsibility for Requirements

The final responsibility for knowing and meeting the require- ments in this catalog, including those of the university, col- lege, department and degree program, and especially those requirements necessary for graduation, lies with the student alone. Faculty and staff can and will advise students, but final responsibility for satisfying all requirements remains with the student.

Program Requirements: Courses and Credit Hours

To graduate, a student must meet the course and total hour requirements specified in the catalog at the time that the student first enrolled in the program. All master’s degree programs contain at least 32 graduate hours, and some require more.

In some cases because of transfer-hour calculation, change in course hours at UCO, substitution, or other factors a student may meet a course requirement with a course that carries fewer hours than the one specified in the program curriculum. In such cases the student must obtain credit for additional hours in order to reach the program minimum.

In certain cases as recommended by the student’s graduate program advisor, a student who is deficient in certain areas may have additional course work mandated.

Changes in Requirements

To graduate, a student must meet the specific requirements specified in the catalog at the time that the student first enrolled in the program unless either the university or program requirements change before he or she completes all requirements. In that case, the student may choose to meet either the requirements specified in the catalog at the time that the student first enrolled in the program or the requirements in the newest catalog. The student must meet the entire set of requirements in one catalog or the other, not a mixture of requirements from the two catalogs. With the approval of the program’s graduate advisor and the graduate dean, however, some requirement substitutions may be allowed. Students whose enrollment is not continuous must meet the requirements in effect at the time of readmission.

Grade Point Average

JCGS requires a cumulative grade-point average of 3.00 or “B”, or better in all graduate work. No grade below “C” is acceptable for graduate credit, and no more than six semester hours of “C” shall be applied toward the degree. Grades of “S” and “X” are neutral grades and do not affect the grade point average, but grades of “C”, “D” and “F” are included in the calculation of GPAs. Only credits earned within the eight years immediately prior to the student’s graduation will count towards their graduation. The overall GPA on the student’s transcript will still include all grades and credits earned, including those eight years and older. Please see Degree Time Limit below for related information.

Degree Time Limit

Courses leading to a graduate degree/certificate must be completed within eight years from the date of a student’s initial enrollment in the program for which they were admitted. No course credit will be applied toward the graduate degree/ certificate for work completed more than eight years before the date on which a student’s degree is to be conferred. This time limit applies to credit earned at the University of Central Oklahoma as well as credit transferred to UCO from other accredited institutions.

Concurrent and Second Master’s Degrees

Double Majors

Graduate students may earn two majors within the same master’s program provided that they are accepted into both and meet all requirements for each major. UCO gives to graduate students with double majors one degree and one diploma but lists both majors on the transcript. Both majors must be completed in the same semester. Where identical hours are required for two or more majors, students may count those hours toward each major, provided that the student completes no fewer than 18 separate credit hours in each major, excluding the cross-listed courses. A student may not submit the same thesis, capstone project, internship, observation experience or other external project to meet the requirements of two different majors.

Double-Major Application Procedure

  1. Applicants seeking two majors within the same master’s degree submit one application and application fee, just as if they were seeking only one major. In their application, they must clearly specify that they are seeking double majors.
  2. Graduate programs may accept the applicants to either or both of the requested majors. Acceptance to one of the majors does not guarantee acceptance for the other.
  3. Based in part on program acceptances, the Jackson College of Graduate Studies grants a single admission to the student, applicable to either or both majors.
  4. If a student is already pursuing one major in a degree program, and later decides to seek a second major, he or she must file a new Plan of Study to cover both majors.
  5. Once the degree is conferred, an additional major cannot be added.

Concurrent Master’s Degrees

A student may seek concurrent master’s degrees in any two areas of their choosing. To pursue concurrent degrees, the student must be admitted to both programs before 12 credit hours of program work are completed in either program. In the requirements for concurrent degree programs are:

  1. Applicants seeking concurrent master’s degrees submit two applications and pay two application fees, one for each degree program.
  2. All degree requirements, including research tools, foreign languages, comprehensive examination, thesis and deficiencies, must be met for both programs.
  3. Up to 20 percent of the total graduate credit hours required for both degrees taken individually may be doublecounted,e.g.countedascreditforbothmaster’s
  4. The double-counted courses must be appropriate for each degree.

Second or Subsequent Master’s Degrees

A student may seek a second or subsequent master’s degree subject to the following additional considerations:

  1. Applicants submit separate applications for each subsequent degree program and pay the application fees for each application submitted.
  2. Due to Oklahoma State Regents’ policy, the subsequent degree cannot be in the same degree program as the first degree even if the options or concentrations are different. In the case of dispute regarding similarity, the JCGS Dean will make the determination.
  3. A specific course may not be used to complete the course or hour requirements for more than one degree unless the transfer of these courses to UCO fall under a Memorandum of Understanding and/or Transfer greement between UCO and another institution. See “Transfer Credit.”
  4. The Graduate Program Advisor may waive a research methods course if the student has already taken such a course in another master’s degree program in the same or a related field. Students must still complete the same number of hours required for the subsequent degree program by substituting another course approved by the advisor.

Requirements for Certain Degrees

Comprehensive Exams

Comprehensive exams, required for certain master’s degrees, must be scheduled no later than three weeks before the beginning of the final examination week for the fall and spring semesters and no later than 10 days prior to the beginning of the final examination week for the summer semester.

Continuous Enrollment Required for Thesis or Project

All programs involving a master’s thesis or special project require the student to be in continuous enrollment (fall and spring semesters) in a 5990 course (thesis) or 5980 course (project) until all requirements for the degree are completed.

NOTE: Students must submit their completed thesis and projects to their instructors in a timely manner. If a student submits his or her thesis or project too late for the instructor and/or committee to evaluate it and meet the deadline for submitting grades for that term, the student must enroll in at least one additional hour of thesis credit in the following term even though the thesis or project has been completed and submitted. This will delay the student’s graduation by one


Some master’s programs require or allow a thesis. The thesis should conform to discipline-specific standards and provide an original contribution to its academic field. Students completing a thesis must follow the instructions of their thesis committees concerning the development and preparation of their theses. The thesis committee should, however, be open to innovative ways of organizing and presenting the information. Additionally, the thesis must comply with the JCGS and Chambers Library requirements, as explained below.

Guidelines for Thesis Writers

  1. A graduate student has the primary responsibility for successful completion of his/her degree. A graduate student should be committed to his/her graduate education and should demonstrate this by efforts in the classroom and in research. A graduate student is expected to maintain a high level of professionalism, self-motivation, engagement, scholarly curiosity, and ethical standards.
  2. A graduate student should be knowledgeable of the policies and requirements of their department, the Graduate College, and the university, including policies and deadlines governing thesis work. Thesis-related requirements and timelines appear in the “Graduation Requirements” section of the Graduate Catalog.
  3. In selecting a thesis advisor, a graduate student should work with a faculty member whose scholarly and research interests coincide with those of the student. The student should keep in mind that it is up to the discretion of the faculty member to work on a thesis committee, and therefore the student should comport themselves with courtesy and respect toward the thesis advisor and committee members at all times during the process.
  4. A graduate student should meet regularly with their thesis advisor and provide updates on their progress. They should meet all deadlines established by the thesis advisor and other committee members.
  5. A graduate student should work with the thesis advisor to select a thesis committee. Graduate students should approach potential committee members about serving on their committee in a timely manner, no later than the semester before the semester they intend to defend in. The student should meet with the committee members as often as required by committee members and as needed to make steady progress by the student.
  6. A graduate student working on a thesis is expected to demonstrate the intellectual commitment, initiative in research and writing, and work ethic necessary to carry the project through to completion. They should comport themselves according to the highest standards of academic conduct and professional ethics in their discipline.
  7. A graduate student should be responsive to the advice of their thesis advisor and open to constructive criticism from their committee. The student should realize that effective theses often require multiple revisions, which can extend the amount of time required to complete the thesis project. The timetable to completion depends upon the thesis advisor’s approval of the thesis for defense.
  8. A graduate student should comply with all institutional policies, including academic program requirements. At the beginning of the semester in which the student plans to defend the thesis, the student should contact all committee members to apprise them of the pending thesis defense.
  9. A graduate student should acknowledge primary responsibility to develop a career following the successful completion of a Master’s degree.

Thesis Committee

Students should consult their graduate program advisors early in their master’s programs for requirements regarding thesis committee and thesis preparation.

Once a student’s thesis committee has been formed, the student must submit a signed copy of the Graduate Thesis Committee Form on the JCGS website. Students can obtain the forms from their program department.

Thesis Hours

The maximum number of thesis hours which may be applied toward any graduate program is six (6).

Once enrolled in thesis hours, a student must remain continuously enrolled in thesis hours during each fall and spring semester until full completion of all thesis requirements have been met.

Thesis Grading

Thesis hours completed during the development and preparation of a thesis but prior to its final completion will be assigned an “X” grade and will contribute to the “Hours Attempted” and “Hours Earned” sections of the student’s transcript. The “X” grade will not, however, contribute to the graduate GPA.

Once the thesis is completed, the thesis committee chair will assign a Passing or Failing grade (“P” or “F”). While a grade of “P” will not contribute to the graduate GPA, an “F” grade will contribute to the overall graduate GPA and will prevent the student from graduating.

Timing of Thesis

Any student who has completed all course work must complete his/her thesis within two academic years (two fall and two spring semesters) beginning with enrollment in the first thesis course. Any exception request to extend beyond two years must be made in writing to the graduate dean.

Public Thesis Defense

A graduate student who submits a thesis must publicly defend his/her thesis with a representative from the Graduate Council and a thesis defense committee present. The Thesis Defense Scheduling Form may be obtained on the JCGS website and should be completed and submitted by the Thesis Committee Chair. The Graduate Council Thesis Defense Form may be obtained on the JCGS website and should be completed by the Graduate Council Representative. JCGS policy requires two weeks to schedule a Graduate Council Representative, and thesis defense scheduling deadlines must be met; these are:

  • December 2, 2022 for Fall 2024
  • May 9, 2025 for Spring 2025
  • July 25, 2025 for Summer 2025.


The student is required to prepare an Abstract for faculty use in his/her thesis defense. The intent is to cause the thesis student to verbalize his/her rationale for key research decisions and thus to assist him/her in defending those rationales before his/her committee. The document must include:

  1. Statement of the Problem or Issue
  2. Brief Summary of the Literature
  3. Thesis Statement
  4. Statement of the Research Methodology. Examples of Qualitative Analysis, most applicable to studies of small groups, whole populations, or non-repetitive or non-repeatable phenomena include but are not limited to: Case study, participant observation, narrative, biography, focus group, textual and contextual, qualitative theory, philosophical and artistic. Examples of Quantitative Analysis, most applicable to studies of population samples and to repetitive or repeatable phenomena include but are not limited to: Scientific, survey, quantitative theory, statistical, and predictive.
  5. Brief Summary of Findings
  6. Confirmation, Modification, or Denial of Thesis
  7. Statement of the Significance of the Findings
  8. Suggestions for Future Research

A student presenting a thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Arts degree in English with a major in Creative Writing shall follow an alternative form in preparing his/her Abstract, which must include the following elements:

  1. Description of the Form or Genre of the Creative Project
  2. Summary of Relevant Creative Work by Other Artists in the Genre of the Creative Project
  3. Statement of the Objectives of the Creative Project
  4. Identification of Major Creative, Conceptual, or Technical Challenges Posed by the Creative Project
  5. Description of Strategies Employed to Meet the Major Creative, Conceptual, or Technical Challenges Posed by the Creative Project
  6. Statement of the Significance of the Creative Project and of Its Implications for the Field

Thesis Format Requirements

A candidate completing his/her thesis for his/her master’s degree must submit the original title page, signature page, abstract page and summary to the JCGS no later than the last day of classes in the same term they plan to graduate. These documents must be on file to graduate. For additional information, contact the Academic Program Specialist at:

Elise Ellis
Academic Programs Specialist

Submission Requirements for Thesis

Following successful public defense of the thesis, students must submit the thesis in both paper and electronic formats. For additional information, visit Chambers Library website at https://library.uco.edu/services/thesis/ or call Special Collections at 405.974.2882.

Paper Submission Process
  • Each student completing a thesis for the master’s degree program must submit two (2) copies of his/her thesis for binding to Archives and Special Collections in the Chambers Library.
  • The primary responsibility for content, form and style of the thesis rests with the student and the student’s thesis committee members. The student is responsible for the complete and accurate collation of the thesis before submitting it to the library for binding.
  • Both copies of the thesis must be presented with an original signature page signed by all members of the thesis committee, on white 25%-100% cotton or rag paper and not bound or punched.
  • After the thesis returns from the bindery, one copy will be placed in the Archives Thesis Collection for reference only, and the second copy will be forwarded to the academic department which supervised the work. A full text, electronic version of the thesis will be made available through the UCO Chambers Library online catalog.
  • It takes approximately two months for the binding process to be completed. Students may pick-up their additional copies in the Archives and Special Collections Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm.

Thesis Cost


Cost for binding one hard copy of thesis, paid by cash or check at Archives and Special Collection Department at the Library


Total Required Costs

Optional Thesis Cost

$20.00 paid by cash or check

Cost per copy for additional student-requested copies of Thesis


Costs to have thesis registered with US Copyright Office (Optional, made with credit card payment on the ProQuest website).


Mailing fee if you wish to have your copies mailed.

Electronic Submission Processes

After a successful public defense of the thesis, students must submit one (1) electronic copy of the thesis to: https://www.etdadmin.com/main/home?siteId=69.

The electronic copy must be the same, content and pagination as the paper copy submitted for binding. Instructions are available at: https://www.etdadmin.com/main/home?siteId=69.

For questions regarding the electronic thesis submission process, please contact:

Heather Scheele-Clark
Library Specialist
Chambers Library

 For additional information contact the Library’s Archives and Special Collections at 405-974-2882 or go to our Website at: https://library.uco.edu/services/thesis/.