Sep 13, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

UCO Admissions Information

Student Admission and Recruitment Ethics

All staff associated with the acquisition and processing of admission documentation are expected to follow the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officer’s (AACRAO’s) Ethics and Practice policy concerning the practice of academic and enrollment services. AACRAO’s statement and guidance for members.

All UCO staff who are involved in the recruitment of students are expected to follow the standards set forth in the National Association for College Admission Counseling. Staff will not be compensated by commissions, bonuses, or other incentive payments, based on the number of students referred, recruited, admitted, or enrolled. Staff will not offer or accept any reward or remuneration to influence an admission, housing, scholarship, financial aid, or enrollment decision.

Undergraduate Admissions

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions (UA) provides information to prospective freshmen and transfer students interested in attending the University of Central Oklahoma. Undergraduate Admissions is typically the first point of contact for prospective students, their parents, and academic counselors.

Campus visits are offered through partnership between this office and the office of Campus Tours and Events. These visits provide students the chance to tour campus, visit with a professor, view the various housing opportunities, and obtain information concerning their intended major.

Admission Counselors attend college fairs and make presentations to high schools and community colleges in the state of Oklahoma and out-of-state.

Throughout the year, Admissions coordinates recruitment events and activities on campus. For further information, or to arrange a campus visit please call (405) 974-2610.

Admission Requirements

Standards for admission to UCO are established by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. These standards are based on prospective students’ residence status and previous educational background.

All first-time students attending Oklahoma colleges and universities as a full-time or part-time student must comply with state laws regarding Immunization records. More specifically, students must provide documentation of vaccinations against Hepatitis B and measles, mumps and rubella (MMR). All students will be required to either submit records of immunizations, an official transcript from an approved source, or a Waiver of Immunizations due to medical limitation.

All students pursuing an area of study leading to a bachelor’s degree must meet both the high school performance standards and curricular standards. Performance standards refer to a student’s rank in the high school graduating class and overall grade point average in the core curriculum courses. It can also be based on admission test scores. Curricular standards refer to a student’s formal educational background in the subject areas of English, science, mathematics, history, and citizenship skills (as well as two additional units from foreign language, computer science and the subjects listed above).

For first-time entering freshmen, proficiency in these curricular areas can be demonstrated by having successfully completed four years of English, three years of laboratory science, three years of mathematics (Algebra I or above and Algebra II), three years of history and citizenship skills (including one year of American History and two additional years from History, Economics, Geography, Government, Non-Western Culture), and two additional units from subjects previously listed or from computer science, foreign language or any Advanced Placement course, psychology, sociology, or any liberal arts and sciences course (as defined in the Oklahoma State Regents Undergraduate Degree Requirements policy) taken via concurrent enrollment at a State System institution not being utilized to fulfill any area previous listed.

Students who have not completed the above subject college-bound core areas at the high school level can demonstrate sufficient curricular background and knowledge for college study. To do so, they must successfully pass a placement examination in the deficient area or attain a minimum score of 19 in the appropriate subject portion of the ACT.

GED students who meet freshman admission standards must wait until their graduating high school class is due to enter the collegiate circuit. Alternatively, they may file for special early admission by submitting the standard application materials, writing a letter of intent, and completing a personal interview with the Director of Admissions.

Preliminary admission decisions can be made based on: 1) six-semester high school transcripts from students who have earned a 20 ACT composite or above, 2) seven-semester high school transcripts with the required GPA and class rank, 3) final high school transcript with a core calculation of a 2.7 GPA or higher, or 4) college transcripts with only the current semester outstanding, except in cases where the grade point average or curricular deficiencies are borderline. Final admission decisions CANNOT be made until all credentials have been received by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. All transcripts, test scores, correspondence, or other materials submitted for the purpose of applying for admission become the property of the University and will not be returned.

Transfer students can document proficiency in the curricular areas in one of four ways: 1) successful completion of college-bound core areas at the high school level, 2) achievement of a passing score on the appropriate placement examination, 3) successful completion of the approved developmental or remedial course(s), or 4) successful completion of a college level course in the curricular area.

Preliminary admission decisions for Transfer students can be made base on: 1) 7 to 23 completed college level credits and a GPA of 1.7 or higher plus meeting the Freshman Admission requirements, 2) 24 to 29 completed college level credits and a GPA of 1.7 or higher, 3) 30 or more completed college level credits and a GPA of 2.0 or higher, or 4) Out of State transfer credits with a GPA of 2.0 or higher, regardless of hours earned, plus meeting the Freshman Admission requirements if fewer than 24 college level credits have been completed.

For information regarding admission to the University, email or visit the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, Nigh University Center, Room 124, University of Central Oklahoma, 100 North University Drive, Edmond, Oklahoma 73034-5209.

Application Fee

All first-time applicants, students who have graduated from UCO, applicants for a previous term who never enrolled, students who have been out for a year or longer, or anyone who has been suspended and reinstated after sitting out the required time will be charged a nonrefundable, non-transferable, $40.00 application fee with the Application for Admission, click on the “Apply Now” button. This fee must be paid before an application will be processed, any unpaid applications will be treated as incomplete and not processed until payment is received. Online applications must be paid electronically.

Additionally, all students changing their Student Type and/or Student Level must submit a new Application for Admission under the appropriate Level and Degree-Seeking status (for example, a graduating student at the Undergraduate Level must apply for Admission at the Graduate Level).

Non-Academic Admission Requirements

The University of Central Oklahoma may take into account non-academic criteria in admitting first-time, readmission or transfer students to include whether an applicant has been expelled, suspended, placed on probation, denied admission, or denied readmission by any other educational institution. If the applicant was a student at the time of the questionable conduct and if the conduct in question would have been grounds for expulsion, suspension, probation, or dismissal, then, denial of admission to the University of Central Oklahoma may occur.

Admission of students who are currently under disciplinary sanctions at other institutions must first be approved through the Office of Student Accountability and Conflict Resolution, (405) 974-5380. The University reserves the right to deny admission or readmission to any student based upon prior conduct and/or based upon prior illegal activity.

Office of Institutional Assessment

The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education requires UCO to assess students for entrance into foundation courses, at the completion of general education courses, and at the point of graduation. Placement tests are administered by the Office of Testing Services in Thatcher Hall. Randomly selected student papers from required Core courses in English, History, and Healthy Life Skills are scored by a team of faculty to gauge student learning in the critical areas of written communication, critical thinking, and health and wellness in early general education courses. Within their major area of study, each UCO student is required to complete a Capstone Project. That work is assessed for both achievement of the student learning outcomes of the major discipline and the achievement of the general education outcomes of written communication and critical thinking. Along with the assessment of English, History, and Healthy Life Skills, Fundamentals of Speech provide a summary report evaluating the student’s persuasive speech skills. Assessment is also done through the Student Transformative Learning Record (STLR) of their learning related to five of the Central Six tenets of transformative learning: Leadership; Service Learning and Civic Engagement; Global and Cultural Competencies; and Health and Wellness. Students also participate in surveys in which they report their levels of engagement and their satisfaction with UCO programs and services.

For information regarding entry-level student assessment for admission to the University, contact the Office of Testing Services in Thatcher Hall, Room 319, or call 405-974-2388. For all other questions concerning institutional assessment, contact 405-974-3342, Room 213, Lillard Administration Bldg.


Former students who have not attended the University of Central Oklahoma for a period of one year or longer must be readmitted before enrollment. Central alumni who are hoping to take additional undergraduate courses must also reapply for admission. An application for readmission and official transcripts of all work completed since leaving UCO must be on file in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions to be considered for readmission.

A returning applicant must submit a non-refundable application fee with their Application for Re-admission.


*The UCO Catalog in effect at the time of a student’s initial enrollment shall govern the student’s degree requirements. A student may not declare a major that has been subsequently inactivated, even if that major was active in a catalog year for which the student is eligible.

A student who maintains continuous enrollment (no absence of two or more years), but fails to complete degree requirements within ten years, will be required to meet requirements under a newer catalog.

Any student who has not attended UCO for two or more years is deemed to have broken matriculation and must meet degree requirements in effect at the time the student re-enrolls.

A student has the option to follow degree requirements established later than their date of UCO matriculation.

*Concurrently enrolled high school students will claim the catalog year in which they become first time freshmen as defined by the university and the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.

Admission of Academically Suspended Students from Other System Institutions

Students with suspensions from other institutions may apply for probationary admission. To be considered for probationary admission, students must have met all applicable UCO admission criteria at the time of first college admission. Application for admission on probation is not guaranteed and a committee will determine the student’s potential for success. If admission is granted, limitation of hours and specific course mandates may be imposed as a condition for admission. Future enrollments will depend on the student meeting retention grade point average requirements. If admission is denied, the decision of the committee is final for that academic term.

To apply for probationary admission following suspension from another institution, students must petition the Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Academic Retention within prescribed deadlines. Petition forms are available online. For more information please call (405) 974-2727.

Resident Status

Prospective students are classified as in-state residents or out-of-state non-residents for admission and tuition purposes based on information provided on the application for admission and the applicant’s academic history. Programs with enrollment limits may give priority admission or class enrollment preference to Oklahoma residents.

All students, except bona fide residents of Oklahoma, must pay the nonresident tuition fee in addition to other tuition and enrollment fees and must meet nonresident admission criteria.

Applicants presenting a transcript of credit from an educational institution outside of Oklahoma will be assumed to be a nonresident. It is the responsibility of each applicant to submit any questions about residence status to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. A uniform policy concerning residence status exists for all state-supported institutions of higher education in Oklahoma (OSRHE policy 3.18). A residency packet must be completed to determine residency.

In compliance with OSRHE policy 3.18.8 Uniformed Services and Other Military and 38 U.S.C., Section 3679(c) and 70 O.S., Section 3247, students who meet the criteria as set forth below will be eligible for in-state status.

See OSRHE policy 3.18.7.B.1 for additional details.

Active Uniformed Services

  • Members of the uniformed services, along with their dependent children and spouse, who provide evidence that they are full-time active duty status of more than thirty (30) days in the uniformed services stationed in Oklahoma or temporarily present through military orders. Further, when members of the armed services are transferred out-of-state, the member, their spouse and dependent children shall continue to be classified as in-state as long as they remain continuously enrolled.
  • Regardless of the residency of the student, dependent children or spouse of a person who is currently serving as a member of the active uniformed services of the United States on full-time active duty status of more than thirty (30) days for whom Oklahoma is the home of record.
  • A person who files with the institution within the State system at which they intend to register a letter of intent to establish residence in the state and who is entitled to educational or training assistance under Section 3319 of Title 38 of the United States Code by virtue of a relationship to a person who is currently serving on active duty; and resides in the state while enrolled in the institution, regardless of the student’s formal state of residence or the active service member’s home of record.
  • Former full-time active uniformed services personnel who remain in Oklahoma after their service may retain their in-state status without the 12-month requirement if they establish domicile as defined in OSRHE policy 3.18.

Discharged or Released from Active Uniformed Service (Regardless of the Home of Record)

A student who files a letter of intent to establish residence int he state and who resides in the state while enrolled in the institution shall be eligible for in-state status (i.e., in-state tuition), regardless of the residency of the student or home of record, if the student:

  • is a person who was discharged or released from a period of not fewer than ninety (90) days of active duty uniformed service and is pursuing a course of education with educational assistance under Chapters 30 or 33, of Title 38 of the United States Code;
  • is a person who is entitled to assistance under Section 3319 of Title 38 of the United States Code by virtue of a relationship to a person who was discharged or released from a period of not fewer than ninety (90) days of active duty uniformed services or is pursuing a course of education with educational assistance under Chapter 35 of Title 38 of the United States Code.
  • is a person who is pursuing a course of education with educational assistance under chapter 31 of Title 38 of the United States Code.
  • is a member of the uniformed services, or the spouse or dependent of a member of the uniformed services, who has been stationed for more than one (1) year in Oklahoma at any time in the previous ten (10) years before the date of enrollment in the course/s concerned.

Discharged or Released from Active Uniformed Service (Oklahoma Home of Record)

A person, or dependent children or spouse of a person, who was discharged or released from a period of not fewer than ninety (90) days of active uniformed service, less than ten (10) years before the date of enrollment in the course(s) concerned and for whom Oklahoma is the home of record.

Military Reserve Member on Full-Time Active Duty

Regardless of the residency of the student, dependent children or a spouse of a person who is currently serving as a member of the military reserve on full-time active duty of more than thirty (30) days and for whom Oklahoma is the home of record shall be eligible for in-state status.

Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)

A person who is participating in or has received a partial or full scholarship from the Air Force, Army, or the Navy/Marines ROTC shall be eligible for in-state status.

Oklahoma National Guard

A person who is a current member of the Oklahoma National Guard shall be eligible for in-state status.

English Proficiency Requirement

Prior to admission, all applicants for whom English is a second language shall be required to present evidence of proficiency in the English language. The following are considered acceptable proofs:

  1. For applicants seeking admission by transfer from an accredited college or university in the United States, completion of twenty-four college semester hours with passing grades and meeting other transfer requirements.
  2. For a first-time entering student who has attended all high school years in an accredited high school in the United States, successful completion of the high school core requirements and meeting the requisite ACT or SAT score for admission to the university.
  3. For all other applicants for undergraduate admission, acceptable proof of English proficiency shal be furnished by meeting the minimum score on one of the approved standardized tests for English proficiency: The State Regents have approved the following tests for this purpose: Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), International English Language Testing System (IELTS), PTE Academic, and iTEP Academic. The minimum scores required for unconditional admission on these tests appear in the table below:
Unconditional Admission English Proficiency Scores
Assessment Minimum Score
TOEFL ibt* 61
PTE Academic 44
iTep Academic 3.5

*The TOEFL iBT must be taken at an official testing center and the score report submitted directly from the testing agency. The result of the TOEFL test administered institutionally (TOEFL ITP) will be accepted only if administered at the University of Central Oklahoma.

An applicant not eligible under the provisions above may still demonstrate English proficiency by meeting the conditional admission scores in the table below if they also submit proof of subsequent successful completion of a minimum 12 weeks of study at an English language school operated by an institution of higher learning or a private English language school approved by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.

Conditional Admission English Proficiency Scores
Assessment Minimum Score
TOEFL ibt* 48
PTE Academic 36
iTep Academic 3.0

*The TOEFL iBT must be taken at an official testing center and the score report submitted directly from the testing agency. The result of the TOEFL test administered institutionally (TOEFL ITP) will be accepted only if administered at the University of Central Oklahoma.

Definition of Admission Terms

ACT - A standardized examination produced by the American College Testing program used for admission purposes. There are two types of ACT exams. One type of ACT exam is referred to as “national,” meaning it was taken on a national test date. These dates are scheduled a year in advance with one exam being offered approximately every other month. The other type of ACT exam is referred to as “residual,” meaning it is offered by a college or university on a regular basis, but not on the same day a national exam is scheduled. Residual ACT scores are only applicable at the institution where the test was administered and can only be taken once per November-October year.

NOTE: Only the national exam is acceptable for NCAA athletic eligibility and some academic scholarships. The ACT has four subtests, the sum of whose scores must meet the acceptable composite score.

SAT - The Scholastic Achievement Test is a standardized examination produced by the College Board and used for admission purposes. It has two components (math score and verbal score) added together to form the combined score. The writing portion of the test is not considered in the admission decision.

High School Class Rank - The class rank is a comparison on where the student ranks academically versus the rest of the graduating class.

High School Grade Point Average - The grade point average is the average of all grades (“A” equating to 4.00 and “D” equating to 1.00) taken in the 9th through 12th grade. Honors weighting will not be used in the calculation of the GPA because there is no equitable mechanism to include the honors premium. EXCEPTION: Additional weighting (1.0) will be added to GPA’s of students who take the College Board Advanced Placement (AP) and higher-level International Baccalaureate (IB) courses, when calculating the core course GPA for admission purposes.

New Freshman Admission

Admission to the University of Central Oklahoma as a first-time freshman student is based on high school performance, standardized test results (ACT or SAT), and completion of specific high school curricular requirements. Oklahoma high schools may be accredited by either (1) the State Board of Education for Oklahoma, (2) the Higher Learning Commission, formerly the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, or (3) the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest. Out-of-state high schools may be accredited by either the regional association or by an appropriate accrediting agency of the state in which the school is located.

To be admissible for regular study, an individual must have (1) graduated from an accredited high school or have earned a high school equivalency certificate based on the General Education Development (GED) tests and GED recipient’s high school class must have graduated, (2) participated in the American College Testing program or a similar battery of tests, (3) met the curricular requirements shown below, and (4) met the following performance criteria:

Performance Levels for Admission to UCO

Year Test Scores
Composite ACT or
Combined SAT
High School
GPA and Class Rank
2024-2025 ACT 20 or SAT 1030 2.7 AND Upper 50%
2024-2025   2.7 GPA in 15 unit
high school core on
final high school
2024-2025 Test Optional

The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education has approved UCO to admit students who do not wish to submit test scores through the spring 2026 term. Admission criteria for test-optional students is: 2.7 Unweighted high school grade point average.


ACT superscoring averages a student’s best scores in Reading, English, Math and Science to give a new composite score from all previously submitted ACT test attempts, thus creating a new, higher composite score. A student’s new composite score will be used for academic scholarship purposes.

The exact standardized test score will be specified annually by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. It will be based on the preceding three years’ ACT scores of graduating seniors, if available, using Oklahoma norms. A concordance table will be used to determine SAT score equivalencies.

The GPA will be defined annually by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to correspond to the rank in class.

Curricular Requirements for Admission to UCO

High School Yrs Class Subjects/Discipline of Study
English 4 English (Grammar, Composition, Literature; should include an integrated writing component)
Mathematics 3 Mathematics (from Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Math Analysis, Pre-
Calculus - (must have completed geometry and Algebra II) -, Calculus, Advanced Placement Statistics)
Lab Science 3 Lab Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics or any Lab Science certified by the school
district; general Science with or without a lab may not be used to meet this requirement.)
History and
3 History and Citizenship Skills (including one unit of American History and two additional
units from the subjects of History, Economics, Geography, Government, Non-Western Culture)
Additional 2 Additional units of subjects previously listed or selected from: computer science, foreign
language, or any Advanced Placement course except applied courses in fine arts.

Remediation of Curricular and Performance Deficiencies

New freshmen and transfer students who have not completed the core curriculum requirement in high school listed under NEW FRESHMAN ADMISSION or who have not demonstrated performance proficiency requirements will be considered deficient and must remediate these deficiencies as follows:

  1. If a student has deficiencies in English, Math, Science or Reading, the student may do one of the following:
    1. Submit an ACT national subscore or UCO residual ACT subscore of 19 or above in the curricular area in which the deficiency exists. (ACT scores must be less than five years old.)
    2. For English, Reading, and Science deficiencies, take the College Placement Test (CPT); for Math deficiencies, take the ALEKS Math placement test, and make the appropriate score in the curricular area in which the deficiency exists.
    3. Take and pass the designated 0 - level course(s) in the curricular area in which the deficiency exists. (0 - level courses do not count as college credit and are not computed in the GPA.)
  2. To remediate the other deficiencies, the student must take an extra 3 credit hour college level course in the area in which the deficiency exists.

First-time freshmen must remediate all basic skills course curricular deficiencies and demonstrate a minimal level of proficiency in the subject areas of English, Math, Science and Reading within 24 credit hours attempted at UCO. Transfer students must remediate all basic skills course curricular deficiencies and demonstrate a minimal level of proficiency in the subject areas of English, Math, Science and Reading within the first 12 semester credit hours at UCO. In either case, students must begin their path to remediation during their first semester of enrollment.

IMPORTANT: If the student fails to remediate the deficiency in the designated time, the student will not be allowed to enroll in any course until they enroll in the course(s) required to remediate the deficiency.

Special Admission Programs

Students who do not qualify under previously stated academic and curricular requirements may be considered for admission under one of the following categories.

A. Alternative Admission

The University of Central Oklahoma may admit a limited number of first-time freshmen who do not meet the established criteria for regular freshman admission.

Admissibility is determined by the University of Central Oklahoma’s Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Academic Retention. This determination is based on the applicant’s ability to demonstrate a reasonable expectation for academic success, an unusual talent or ability in art, drama, music, sports, or the like, or if the student is educationally or economically disadvantaged and shows promise of being able to succeed in a program or curriculum offered at UCO. The decision of the committee is final for that academic term.

Students interested in the alternative admission program must complete an alternative admission appeal packet. For more information please call (405)-974-2727.

B. Adult Admission

Students, 21 years of age or older, who have attempted six or fewer collegiate hours may be admitted by achieving the required scores on the institutional placement exam administered by the University. Transfer students are not eligible for adult admission.

Students not eligible for regular admission who are interested in the adult admission program should contact the Office of Undergraduate Admission at (405)-974-2727 for additional information.

C. Home Study or Unaccredited High School Graduates

Graduates of private, parochial, or other non-public high schools not accredited by a recognized accrediting agency are eligible for admission if they:

  1. Submit an official transcript or document reflecting graduation (the corresponding public high school class must have graduated);
  2. Take the ACT or SAT exam and achieve a 20 or higher composite score on the ACT or a 1030 or higher combined (Evidence based reading and writing and Math) SAT score;
  3. Satisfy the high school curricular requirements listed .for freshmen, as certified by the school, or for home study, the parent.

D. Concurrent Enrollment of High School Students

  1. High school junior and senior level students who are enrolled in an accredited high school may be admitted provisionally to the University of Central Oklahoma if the student:
    1. Has achieved a composite ACT test score of at least 20 OR a high school GPA of 3.0, or a 1030 combined SAT score (Evidence based reading and writing and Math) and is ranked in the top 50% of their high school class.
    2. Is eligible for spring graduation from high school and will satisfy curricular requirements for college admission;
    3. Has submitted the Application for Concurrent Enrollment, high school transcripts, Wellness Center Waiver, Concurrent Approval Form, and admission test scores. The application may be obtained at
  2. Home Study or Students from Unaccredited High Schools: Home schooled students and students from unaccredited high schools shall have completed enough high school coursework to be equivalent to an individual who is classified as a junior or senior at an accredited high school. In addition, home school or unaccredited high school students cannot be admitted by high school GPA; they must meet the ACT or SAT requirements.

High school students admitted concurrently may enroll in a combined number of high school and college courses per semester not to exceed a full-time college course load of 19 semester credit hours. For purposes of calculating course load, one-half high school unit shall be equivalent to three semester credit hours of college work.

Students admitted under this policy may enroll in a maximum of nine credit hours during the summer session without being enrolled in high school classes.

Concurrently enrolled high school students are required to see an undergraduate academic advisor. High school students enrolling concurrently in off-campus classes, such as One Net, may only enroll in liberal arts and sciences courses. Concurrently admitted high school students may only enroll in curricular areas in which they have met the ACT assessment requirements for college placement. Concurrently admitted high school students will not be allowed to enroll in any developmental (0-level) courses offered at Oklahoma colleges and universities designed to remove high school deficiencies nor be allowed to take secondary institutional assessments.

A high school student concurrently enrolled in college courses may continue concurrent enrollment in subsequent semesters if they achieve a college overall retention grade point average of 2.0 or above on a 4.0 scale. Following high school graduation, a student who has been concurrently enrolled as a high school student may be admitted to the original institution of concurrent enrollment or another institution in the State System if the student meets the entrance requirements of the receiving institution, including the high school curriculum requirements, and will be subject to the State Regents’ retention standards. For more information, please see the Academic Retention Standards section.

E. Exceptional Student/Opportunity Admission

The University of Central Oklahoma will determine admissibility of exceptional students who have not graduated from high school based on test scores, evaluation of the student’s level of maturity and ability to function in the adult college environment, and whether the experience will be in the best interest of the student intellectually and socially. Exceptional students may apply for opportunity admission if they have admission test scores as follows:

  1. Composite standard score of 32 on the ACT which places them at the 99th percentile using Oklahoma norms OR
  2. Combined verbal and mathematical score of 1400 on the SAT, which places them at the 99th percentile using national norms.

F. Summer Provisional Admission

Students who have a 2.5 high school GPA and no curricular deficiencies, or a composite 17 on the ACT test may be admitted if they successfully complete summer coursework with C or better grade(s). Enrollment is restricted to the summer session immediately following the student’s high school graduation. Students must take one college level course in Math and one college level course in English. A performance deficiency in either Math or English will eliminate the applicant from consideration for this program. If such credit in Math or English has previously been earned, the student must enroll for an additional course in Social Science, Natural Science or Humanities.

G. Summer Curricular Deficiency Program

Students who have met the performance requirements but have two or less curricular deficiencies may be admitted if they successfully complete summer coursework with C or better grade(s).

H. Special (Non-Degree Seeking) Students

Students who wish to enroll in courses without intending to pursue a degree at the University of Central Oklahoma may be permitted to enroll in up to nine credit hours without submitting academic credentials or meeting the academic curricular or performance requirements of the University of Central Oklahoma. Academic retention standards and basic academic skill requirements will be enforced. Poor academic performance could result in academic probation or suspension. Students admitted under this category are not eligible for Financial Aid. Once students have successfully completed the maximum number of credit hours allowed, should they wish to enroll in additional course work, they will be required to apply for admission as a degree seeking student, pay the application fee and fully meet UCO’s formal admission and/or transfer admission requirements.

I. International Student Admission and Admission of Students for Whom English is a Second Language

At the University of Central Oklahoma, the Office of Global Affairs serves both international students and students for whom English is a second language. International students transferring from United States universities must be in proper status with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Any F-1 visa holder who has been out of school for a semester or who has been a part-time student must file for a reinstatement of visa status with the USCIS prior to initial enrollment and must receive USCIS approval for the subsequent semester’s enrollment.

Students for whom English is a second language are required to present evidence of proficiency in the English language prior to admission.

J. Admission of First-Time Entering International Students

The University of Central Oklahoma will admit international students who graduate from high schools outside the United States and its possessions provided they:

  1. Are eligible for further study on a comparable level in their own countries;
  2. Furnish satisfactory proof of proficiency in English;
  3. Meet equivalent academic performance standards as listed for new freshman admission;
  4. Supply the Office of Global Affairs with all documents required by that office for admission;
  5. Meet the deadlines for application as outlined in the international student application packet;
  6. Supply a cash or check deposit if requested by the University. (This deposit will be used for room and board, tuition, fees, books, health insurance, and other related university expenses until it is exhausted.) Provide payment of application fee and international mailing charge as required.

After the above six requirements have been completed, the immigration form will be sent to the prospective student.

Admission by Transfer

A transfer student is defined as any undergraduate student with greater than six attempted credit hours from another institution at the time of admission, excluding remedial (0-level courses) or pre-college work, and excluding credit hours accumulated while concurrently enrolled in high school.

Prior to enrolling at the University of Central Oklahoma, applicants must submit official transcripts from their high school(s) and all colleges in which they have been admitted or enrolled, to include all military transcripts as applicable. All prior military credit is collected and evaluated in order to maintain compliance with 38 U.S. Code § 3675(b)(2). Students will not be eligible to register for classes if all required official transcripts are not on file. 

  1. Students classified as Oklahoma residents who wish to transfer to the University of Central Oklahoma may do so if they can satisfy the following conditions:
    1. Meet all the curricular and performance requirements. The performance standards are listed in the Retention Policy.
    2. Meet the UCO academic retention standards. The academic retention standards are listed in the Retention Policy.
    3. Are in good standing at the institution from which they plan to transfer.
  2. Nonresident students who wish to transfer from an out-of-state college or university to the University of Central Oklahoma must:
    1. Meet all curricular and performance requirements.
    2. Provide official transcripts from all institutionally accredited colleges and universities. In addition:
      1. Nonresident applicants must be in good standing at the institution from which they plan to transfer.
      2. Nonresident applicants must have a retention 2.0 grade point average at institutions previously attended.
    3. Under certain circumstances, transcripts from institutions not accredited by the Higher Learning Commission may be considered by the Director of Admissions as a basis for admission or for transfer credit articulation. The University will consider the acceptance of credit practices in each state of the institution responsible for reporting their practices to the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers to determine acceptance of transfer credit. The following conditions will also apply:
      1. Nonresident applicants must be in good standing at the institution from which they plan to transfer.
      2. Nonresident applicants must have a minimum retention grade point average of 2.0 at institutions previously attended.
      3. Applicants will be required to validate the transferred credit by making satisfactory progress (an average of “C” or better) for at least 12 semester hours at UCO.
      4. Only courses appropriate to the student’s degree programs will be accepted as transfer credit.
      5. When courses cannot be accepted, an applicant’s admissibility will be determined on the basis of other transfer work; or if they have not previously attended an institutionally accredited college or university, admission will be as a first-time student.

Transfer Probation

Applicants who do not meet the performance or curricular criteria for transfer admission may be considered for transfer probation admission. Applicants who have been recently suspended from any college or university must apply through the committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Academic Retention. Prior to enrolling at the University of Central Oklahoma, applicants must submit official transcripts from all colleges in which they have been admitted or enrolled.

Students admitted under this provision will be on academic probation and must maintain a 2.0 GPA each semester while on probation or they will be academically suspended.

Students admitted with curricular deficiencies must resolve those deficiencies within the first 12 hours of enrollment at UCO. All students admitted on transfer probation are required to meet with their academic advisor to be advised of available academic support services and applicable academic policies. These students may have specific academic course requirements prescribed as a condition of admission and enrollment.

Articulation Policy for Transfer Credit

A student who completes a post-baccalaureate, baccalaureate, Associate of Arts, or Associate of Science degree at any Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE) institution may transfer into a UCO baccalaureate program with general education/university core requirements met. Associates of Applied Science degrees do not fulfill general education requirements. Additional courses may be required as prerequisites for a major or to meet certain professional certification requirements as defined by the state. Responsibility to assure all university core curriculum requirements are met for the first degree granted rests with the transferring institution, i.e., the institution from which the student received the transferred degree. General education credit earned at colleges or universities within the Oklahoma state system will apply toward the basic (OSRHE minimum) general education/university core component at UCO in the same way the credit would apply at the institution at which it was earned. UCO accepts degrees from institutions which are accredited by organizations recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, referred as U.S. institutional accrediting bodies.

Course work earned as a part of Baccalaureate, Associate in Arts, or Associate in Science degrees awarded from institutions recognized by a U.S. institutional accrediting body but outside the state system will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis in accordance with university transfer policies. University core/general education requirements will only be considered complete if all
OSRHE minimum general education core requirements are accepted in transfer. Otherwise, students will be responsible for completing the OSRHE minimum general education requirements as interpreted by UCO in the University Core.

Course work earned as part of an AAS degree (Associate in Applied Science) or other academic degrees (e.g. Associate in General Studies, Associate in Fine Arts) from institutions recognized by a U.S. institutional accrediting body will be evaluated on a course-bycourse basis in accordance with university transfer policies, whether that institution is part of the Oklahoma state system or outside the state system.

Course work earned as part of a Baccalaureate-equivalent degrees from international institutions recognized by the government of their country-of-origin will be evaluated on a course-by-course basis in accordance with university transfer policies. University core/general education requirements will only be considered complete if all OSRHE minimum general education core requirements are accepted in transfer. Otherwise, students will be responsible for completing the OSRHE minimum general education requirements as interpreted by UCO in the University Core.

A minimum of 60 semester hours of course work, excluding physical education activity courses, applied toward the bachelor ‘s degree must be earned at a senior (baccalaureate granting) institution.

Credit earned at a community college cannot be applied toward satisfying the minimum hours of upper division (3000/4000) credits required in a major or a bachelor’s degree from the University of Central Oklahoma. Upper division requirements relate to junior and senior level (3000/4000) courses of study.

Transfer credits are accepted and applied to degree programs generally in accordance with the recommendations in the Transfer Credit Practices Guide published by AACRAO (American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers). Consequently, credits from some technical colleges and professional schools may not be applicable toward degree requirements at UCO due to the highly technical or specialized nature of the course work.

UCO also reserves the right to accept transfer course work using the same grading practices as if the work was earned in residence at UCO.

The Articulation office has the authority to articulate transfer coursework. The Articulation staff will assure the decision is not in conflict with the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education’s policy, including the Course Equivalency Project. Additionally, the Articulation staff will ensure the decision is not in conflict with the directions of the appropriate UCO academic department chair/school director or their designee.

Academic Forgiveness Policies

Academic Forgiveness recognizes students may have experienced extraordinary circumstances which adversely affected their early academic grade point average. The intent of the policy is to assist students toward obtaining a degree without having to complete a large number of extra courses simply to raise the GPA. Courses/semesters warranting academic forgiveness will be excluded from Graduation/Retention GPA calculations but will remain on the transcript. The University of Central Oklahoma recognizes two methods for the undergraduate student to recover from academic problems in ways which do not forever jeopardize his or her academic standing: the Repeated Course Policy and the Academic Reprieve Policy.

Repeated Course Policy

Students are limited to three attempts in the identical course to improve their grade. All attempts shall be recorded on the transcript with the earned grade for each listed in the semester earned. Only the highest grade earned is used in the calculation of the Retention GPA. If the most recent repeated course was graded as pass-fail, then the pass-fail grade is used and none of the previous letter grades apply. There is no limit to the number of times students can retake a course to achieve a sufficiently high grade to satisfy degree or program requirements.

It is the student’s responsibility to report repeated courses to the advisor on a course repeat form. Unless the form is received, all courses attempted will contribute to the Graduation/Retention GPA.

The Registrar reserves the right to adjust a student’s transcript whenever a repeated course is discovered that has not been reported by the student. This could result in a student being ineligible for graduation or other recognition if the adjustment of the record results in reducing the student’s total number of credit hours or if the grade point average falls below required levels.

Students who do not utilize repeat provisions during their first bachelor’s degree may request repeat forgiveness for eligible courses upon continued undergraduate enrollment. Forgiveness will not change the graduation GPA of a formerly conferred degree.

Academic Reprieve Policy

The Academic Reprieve Policy allows undergraduate students to have one semester or two consecutive semesters which were below a 2.00 GPA to be excluded from the Retention GPA calculations provided all of the following conditions are met:

  1. The reprieve semesters grade point average must be below a 2.00.
  2. The student must have earned a GPA of 2.00 or higher with no grade below a “C” in all regularly graded course work (a minimum of 12 hours).
  3. The student must be currently enrolled at UCO or seeking admission/readmission as an undergraduate degree seeking student at UCO. In all cases, no reprieve will be posted to the UCO transcript until the student has successfully completed 12 semester hours in residence at UCO with no grade below a “C”. If a grade less than “C” is earned after the semester(s) to be reprieved, then the request for reprieve is denied unless the course has been repeated under the Repeated Course Policy and a minimum grade of “C” has been achieved.
  4. Students may receive only one academic reprieve during their entire academic career.
  5. UCO does not recognize academic reprieves from other institutions.

Effects of a successful request for a reprieve:

  1. Students who successfully completed a course (grade of “D” or better) during a reprieved semester and whose course grade in the reprieved semester had previously applied toward graduation requirements may need to complete additional course work to meet minimum credit hour requirements but will not be required to retake the specific course(s).
  2. The institution may choose to reprieve only one semester if the student’s request is for two consecutive semesters.
  3. Once a reprieve is granted, it is permanent and UCO will not accept student requests for changes. UCO reserves the right to revoke reprieved semesters if they were awarded in violation of policy or based on incomplete or falsified information.

UCO will not grant a reprieve for students who:

  1. Have already received a bachelor’s or higher degree from UCO or any institution;
  2. Are attending, or seeking admission to another institution (in-state or out-of-state).

Academic Renewal

UCO does not offer nor does it recognize academic renewal from other institutions.

International Student Transfer Admission

Transfer students from universities outside the United States and its possessions must meet all applicable requirements for admission of first-time entering international students as stated in the international student application packet.

Transferring students (F1 and J1 status) from U.S. universities must be in good standing with immigration and financial status prior to any request for transfer. Enrollment of such students will be pending upon the transcript of the final semester and SEVIS release. For additional information contact The Office of Global Affairs at (405) 974-2390.

I.D. Cards

All entering students must have an identification (I.D.) card that will be issued the first semester of enrollment and will be used as long as the student is actively pursuing a degree at the University of Central Oklahoma. The I.D. card is required for completion of many business transactions, as well as for use of certain facilities on campus.

Students are charged the $25.00 fee when the I.D. card is issued. The fee is automatically applied to the student’s bursar account. Students must go to the Campus Card Services Office, Nigh University Center, Room 222A, to have their pictures taken. Student must provide an authorized picture identification (i.e., driver’s license, passport, military I.D. card). Sunglasses and any item covering the hair must be removed for the picture.

A replacement fee of $25.00 will be charged for a new I.D. card.

Admission to Teacher Education

Students at the University of Central Oklahoma who expect to become candidates for the Bachelor of Arts in Education, the Bachelor of Science in Education, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Education, or the Bachelor of Music Education degrees (or otherwise qualify to teach) are required to make formal application for Admission to Teacher Education during their sophomore year (enrolled in or completed 40 semester hours and meeting criteria below) to the Council on Teacher Education. Application must be made according to published dates. No late applications will be accepted. There is one round of Teacher Education applications in each of the fall and spring semesters. Candidates must be admitted to the teacher education program to enroll in restricted major and professional courses.

Conditions for admission to teacher education effective Fall 2023 are:

Please note: All candidates for the Bachelor of Arts in Education, Bachelor of Music Education, Bachelor of Fine Arts Education, Bachelor of Science in Education degrees or who are attempting to qualify for any teaching certificate are required to apply for admission to teacher education. They must meet the requirements listed below. Once admitted, candidates must maintain all requirements.

  1. Achieve a minimum retention grade point average of 2.75 in all courses completed at UCO and other colleges or universities at the time of application. However, if the teacher candidate’s overall GPA is less than 2.75, the teacher candidate may qualify for admission to Teacher Education if the following criteria are met:
    1. Have a minimum GPA of 3.00 in the last 30 hours completed.
    2. OR If the teacher candidate is concurrently enrolled in coursework at UCO at the time of application and will be able to obtain an overall GPA of 2.75 OR achieve a minimum GPA of 3.00 in the last 30 hours completed, the application will be considered “Pending Approval” until the individual has achieved the GPA requirement.
  2. All coursework taken in the degree certification major or core courses required for majors must be completed with no grade lower than “C” OR if concurrently enrolled in the same coursework in which the teacher candidate has achieved a grade lower than a “C,” the application will be considered as “Pending Approval” until a grade no lower than a “C” is achieved.
  3. All coursework taken in Professional Teacher Education must be completed with no grade lower than “C,” OR if concurrently enrolled in the same coursework in Professional Teacher Education in which the teacher candidate has achieved a grade lower than a “C,” application will be considered “Pending Approval” until a grade no lower than a “C” is achieved.
  4. Successfully completed 40 hours of college credit, OR if concurrently enrolled in coursework to meet the 40 hours at the time of application; the teacher candidate will be considered “Pending Approval” until a total of 40 hours of college credit hours have been completed.
  5. Completion of PTE 3023  (or concurrent enrollment).
  6. Demonstrate a proficiency in written and oral English as indicated by having a grade of “C” or better in six hours of English Composition (ENG 1113  & ENG 1213 , or ENG 1153  & ENG 1223 ), OR if concurrently enrolled in the same English course in which the teacher candidate has achieved a grade lower than a “C,” the application will be considered “Pending Approval” until a grade no lower than “C”.”.
  7. Early Childhood, Elementary, and Special Education majors must successfully complete 4X12 requirements with a grade of “C” or better to graduate and/or be certified to teach in the State of Oklahoma.
  8. Submit Code of Ethics in D2L as instructed by Teacher Education Services.
  9. Have a minimum GPA of 2.75 for the University Core. If not one of the following criteria must be achieved for acceptance to teacher education:
    1. pass the Oklahoma General Education Test (OGET) OR if you are scheduled to take the OGET exam during the semester of your application, your application will be considered “Pending Approval” until documentation is received showing a passing score; OR
    2. Obtain composite score of 22 or higher on the ACT with the writing section included OR
    3. Obtain a total score of 1120 or higher on the SAT including the following scores on the essay section: 5 or higher on Reading, 4 or higher on Analysis, and 5 or higher on Writing.
  10. Schedule an interview with a program coordinator and/or faculty member to review their plans, program requirements, etc. The program coordinator or faculty member will submit a verification of the interview to Teacher Education Services (TES).
  11. Receive formal approval by the Council on Teacher Education.
  12. Complete PTE 1010.

Admission to Student Teaching

All students desiring to student teach are required to make formal application to the Council on Teacher Education for admission to student teaching. Applications must be submitted no later than Friday of the fourth week of the fall semester to enroll in student teaching for the next fall semester. In other words, the teacher candidate planning to student teach in Fall 2022 must apply in Fall
2021. Periodically, admission to student teaching guidelines and requirements change. It is the responsibility of the individual seeking admission to student teaching to meet requirements that are in place at the time of application to student teach. Therefore, individuals should review the most recent UCO catalog to determine the most current admission to student teaching requirements.

Conditions for admission to student teaching effective Fall 2023 are:

  1. Admitted to Teacher Education OR submission of concurrent application (must be accepted to Teacher Education).
  2. Continuation of meeting the standard prerequisite for admission to teacher education:
    1. Achievement of a minimum grade point average of 2.75 in all subjects completed at UCO or other colleges or universities to the time of application with no grade lower than “C.”
      Achievement of a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in the last 30 credit hours completed.
  3. Complete the following courses prior to student teaching:
    Course Prefix
    and Number
    Course Title
    PTE 3023   Foundations of American Education/Clinical
    PTE 3133 /PTE 3153 PTE 3163   Child/ Adolescent/ Developmental Psychology
    SPED 4123   Teaching Individuals with Disabilities
    PTE 4533   Contemporary Learning Sciences
    PTE 4172   Education Assessment
    PTE 4412 Assessment in Early Childhood (ECED only)


  1. Complete 3 hours of speech communication with no grade below a “C” (MCOM 1113 ).
  2. Complete three-fourths of the course work required in the currently declared major in which student teaching is to be completed. For early childhood, special education, and elementary majors, the 4 x 12 support courses are considered part of the major.
  3. Maintain a grade of “C” or better in all major and professional sequence coursework taken. For early childhood, elementary, and special education majors a grade of “C” or better must be achieved in the support courses (4 x 12).
  4. Complete all methods course(s) in the area of specialization in which the student plans to student teach prior to the student teaching semester.
  5. Complete and document the Foreign Language Proficiency requirement (novice-high level–speaking and listening only) in one of the following ways:
    1. High School Course Work – Complete two or more years of the same foreign language in high school with an average GPA of 2.75 or higher across these courses and no grade lower than “C.”
    2. Testing - Pass the CLEP test in a foreign language to demonstrate competency.
    3. Native Speaker - Demonstrate this competency through an interview as determined by members of UCO’s Department of Modern Languages in conjunction with Teacher Education Services. (Contact Teacher Education Services for more information.) Candidates may be referred to appropriate university personnel or another institution for competency testing in these languages.
    4. UCO College Course Work - Complete a course in a foreign language (e.g.,FRCH 1114  or GERM 1114  or SPAN 1114 ) and attain a grade of “C” or better.
    5. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in teaching English Language Learners in P-12 schools - Complete TESL 4222  Teaching ELL in Grades PreK-8 or TESL 4232  Teaching Secondary English Language Learners with a grade of “C” or higher
    6. Sign Language - Complete SPED 4910  - Seminar: American Sign Language or a comparable college level course with a grade of “C” or better. Students who wish to demonstrate competency in Sign Language should see the Chair of the Donna Nigh Department of Advanced Professional and Special Services in LIB 315 or call (405) 974-5283 for additional information.
    7. Transfer College Course Work - Complete foreign language course work at another institution and submit a course description and a transcript indicating that a grade of “C” or higher indicates novice-high level competency.
  6. Complete a minimum of 60 hours of clinical experience prior to student teaching.
  7. Complete an electronic Background Check through the designated UCO vendor or provide documentation of completion within the last year. This check must document that there have been no conviction(s) of a felony, any crime involving moral turpitude, or a felony violation of the narcotic laws of the United States or the State of Oklahoma.
  8. Take the following certification tests prior to student teaching and provide documentation to the TES office prior to the first week of student teaching:
    1. Oklahoma Subject Area Test (OSAT) in major or area of specialization.
    2. Oklahoma Reading Test (ORT) for special education majors only
    3. Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) for modern languages education majors only
      Have the recommendation for continuation in the teacher preparation program (student teaching) section of application signed.
      Students must receive approval of the chairperson of the department or their designee in the major field.
      Receive formal approval by the Council on Teacher Education. Written approval will be provided after the Council on Teacher
      Education has met, verified that requirements have been met, and approved the individual student’s application.

Teacher Certification

Certification Procedures for Persons Graduating In-State and General Regulations for Eligibility

Compliance with certification requirements is the responsibility of the individual seeking certification. Advisors can assist in the process, but compliance with all rules and regulations pertaining to certification is the responsibility of the candidate.

The individual seeking certification is responsible for following all guidelines presented in the University of Central Oklahoma undergraduate catalog or graduate catalog, depending upon the academic level of the certificate sought. Graduate level certificates require graduate level course work and completion of a master’s degree for standard certification. Bachelor level programs require the completion of an educational bachelor’s degree for standard certification.

Periodically the program guidelines, course work, and state regulations change. It is the responsibility of the individual seeking certification to meet the revised standards. An individual should therefore review the most recent UCO catalog, certification course lists, and state regulations, particularly when an extended period of time has elapsed during the completion of a program.

Program Procedures and Guidelines for Certification

The University of Central Oklahoma Teacher Education Services office is located in the Education Building, Room 207, (405) 974-5447. Applications and other information regarding certification may be obtained from that office. Applications for certification based on the completion of University of Central Oklahoma approved programs are processed through Teacher Education Services.

To obtain certification, the individual must:

  1. Complete all courses identified for general education and the respective professional education and specialized areas.
  2. Contact the appropriate department chairperson regarding the course work for the respective program, particularly if it seems likely that some courses previously completed could substitute for required courses in the program. Official substitution forms should be completed where courses, based on their titles, do not seem to match. If course names and levels from different institutions are determined by the chairperson to be equivalent, substitutions are NOT necessary.
  3. Complete the process for being admitted to the Teacher Education program by following the procedures and guidelines enumerated earlier in the section entitled “Admission to Teacher Education.”
  4. Complete the student teaching process following the procedures and guidelines enumerated earlier in the section entitled “Admission to Student Teaching.” Guidelines are also available in Teacher Education Services.
  5. Apply to take the appropriate state certification examinations according to UCO guidelines and suggested timeline. Application is made on the examination website at (See Certification Examinations)
  6. Must have successfully completed the requirements for all courses, including student teaching, at time of application for licensure.
  7. After completing certification requirements and all applicable course work has been posted on the UCO transcript, including degree, if applicable, obtain an application for recommendation for the initial certification from Teacher Education Services.
  8. Applicants must submit the application for recommendation and an official transcript with the degree posted to Teacher Education Services.
  9. Effective November 1, 2001, Oklahoma requires applicants for initial teacher certification to have on file with the Oklahoma State Board of Education a current OSBI and FBI fingerprint-based criminal history record. Contact the Oklahoma State Board of Education for more information regarding fingerprints and the OSBI background check.

Initial Issuance of a Certificate

The State Board of Education shall issue a teaching certificate to any person who completed their initial teacher education program after July 2010, and who meets all of the following requirements. (If the individual completed their initial teacher education program prior to February 1, 1982, they should contact the State Department of Education regarding certification requirements):

  1. Has successfully completed all training and courses required by the State Board of Education based on the guidelines and program in effect at the time of application for certification.
  2. Has graduated from an accredited four-year college or university and holds the standard baccalaureate degree (Those seeking careertechnical certificates should verify requirements with the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education).
  3. Has received a passing score on the certification examinations.
  4. Has received recommendation from the preparing institution for the certificate desired if the teacher preparation work was completed in Oklahoma.
  5. The online college recommendation must be completed by the Certification Officer at UCO.
  6. Has met all other requirements as may be established by the State Board of Education.

Issuance of a Certificate for Additional Certification Areas

Individuals who currently hold a valid Oklahoma certificate who desire to add an additional specialization area by testing must complete the following:

  1. Satisfactorily complete the applicable state certification examination(s).
  2. Complete online application for the new certificate through the State Department of Education.
  3. Other criteria may be required for those who want to obtain additional certification in Elementary, Early Childhood, or Special Education.
    Those interested are encouraged to check with the Teacher Education Services office for specific information. For advanced certification requiring a master’s degree, see the current graduate catalog.

Teaching Certificate Definitions and Overview

For certification to be received, an individual must hold a bachelor’s degree and have completed the course requirements in professional education and in the area specialization, and have received a passing score on the applicable state certification examination(s). Certificate - All teachers who meet the requirements of an approved certificate program after January 31, 1982, and have zero [0] years of experience as a classroom teacher shall receive this initial entry-level document. Application is made through the recommending university, and the certificate is valid for five years

Residence Requirement

In order for the University of Central Oklahoma to recommend candidates for certification, the candidates must meet all requirements for teacher education. In addition, candidates must complete at least their last 24 semester hours in the area of specialization (the teaching field) and professional education at UCO. These 24 semester hours must include the following:

Course Prefix and
Course Title
PTE 4901 Practicum in Professional Teacher Education
(If Contemporary Learning Sciences is taken
PTE 4853   Classroom Management and Instruction
PTE 4811   Contemporary Issues
PTE 4828 /PTE 4838 /PTE 4848   Directed Observation & Student Teaching

Neither CLEP tests, nor advanced standing tests, nor teaching experience can be used to meet the UCO residency requirements.

Certification Examinations

The individual seeking certification must satisfactorily complete the Certification Examinations for Oklahoma Educators. The state certification examinations are administered six times each year on a set schedule with advanced registration required. Two different exams are required:

  • The appropriate Oklahoma Subject Area Test (OSAT) must be attempted prior to the student teaching semester. A passing score on the OSAT for the certificate sought must be passed for a certification recommendation.
  • The Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers (PPAT) must be passed for a certification recommendation.

Applications and study guides for state certification examinations are available from UCO Library also provides copies of study guides as well as practice exams available for checkout.

College Credit

College coursework completed at State System institutions, as well as other Oklahoma institutionally accredited institutions, or transfer credit validated by an institutionally accredited college, will be accepted as a basis for teacher certificates. In order for the applicant to be eligible for certification, the grade point average of the applicant on all work submitted in qualifying for teacher certification shall be equal to or greater than that required for admission to the Teacher Education program at the University of Central Oklahoma.

Candidates transferring credit from out-of-state colleges or from Oklahoma colleges not having an approved program for a specific certificate area to an Oklahoma college or a university having an approved program in that certificate area shall have their work evaluated by the receiving institution. Transferring candidates shall expect to satisfy all requirements imposed by the approved program of the receiving institution in qualifying for certification.

The amount of college credit earned during one year, including correspondence and extension work, which can be used to meet certification requirements will be controlled by the rules and regulations of the college or university. However, not more than one-fourth of the work completed to satisfy requirements in any area of preparation (general education, professional education, specialization) nor more than one-fourth of the total academic work completed may be taken by correspondence and/or extension study.

Work Completed In Community Colleges

Only 64 semester hours of credit taken in an accredited community college may be counted toward satisfying the general education and specialized education requirements of an approved certificate program. Work taken in an accredited community college after achieving sixty-four (64) or more semester hours may count toward certification in the areas of general education and specialized education providing the following guidelines are met:

  1. The coursework is lower division work as determined by the course level assigned to the course by the four-year institution that will make recommendation for certification. If UCO designates a course as a junior or senior level course (3000 or 4000 level), then a comparable course completed at a junior college will NOT substitute for the course in the UCO approved teacher certification program.
  2. The coursework is applicable in meeting the approved program of certification at the recommending institution.
  3. The coursework CANNOT include any early childhood or elementary specialization area courses (this refers to the 40 hours of specialization).
  4. The coursework CANNOT include any professional education courses (this refers to courses in the 28-31 hours in professional teacher education).
  5. The coursework is counted in lieu of an equal number of hours of the 64 already taken at a community college so that no more than 64 semester hours, in total (including all general education), are being counted from community colleges.
  6. The last nine semester hours of credit in the area of specialization were completed in an institution having an approved teacher certification program in the area of concern. Community colleges do not have state approved teacher certification programs.

Initial Teaching Certificate Programs Available through the University of Central Oklahoma

Art Education
Dance Education
Early Childhood Education
Elementary Education
English Education
History Education
Mathematics Education
Modern Language Education


Music Education-Instrumental
Music Education-Vocal
Physical Education/Health
Science Education-Biology
Science Education-Chemistry
Science Education-General Science
Science Education-Physical Science
Science Education-Physics
Special Education-Mild/Moderate Disabilities
Special Education-Severe-Profound/Multiple Disabilities
Theatre/Communication Education
(For advanced programs, see the current graduate catalog.)